Due Diligence Services

Thorough examination of all aspects of a potential deal, ensuring that our clients have a complete understanding of the risks and opportunities.

  • Financial Due Diligence: Analysing financial statements, cash flow, and financial health to uncover any discrepancies or hidden liabilities.
  • Operational Due Diligence: Assessing the operational aspects of the target, including supply chain, production, and logistics, to ensure efficiency and identify potential synergies.
  • Legal Due Diligence: Reviewing contracts, legal obligations, compliance issues, and potential legal risks associated with the transaction.
  • Market Due Diligence: Evaluating the market position, competition, and potential growth opportunities for the target company.
  • Integration Planning: Preparing for post-transaction integration by identifying potential challenges and developing strategies to address them.

Read More: Due Diligence Services

Merger & Acquisition Advisory

Strategic advice and support throughout the process, from identifying targets to closing the deal.

  • Valuation Analysis: Conducting detailed valuations of target companies to ensure fair pricing and to support negotiation strategies.
  • Negotiation Support: Assisting in negotiations to secure favourable terms and protect client interests.
  • Deal Structuring: Advising on the optimal structure for the transaction, whether through stock purchases, asset sales, or other mechanisms.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that the transaction complies with all relevant regulatory requirements, including antitrust laws and foreign investment regulations.

Read More: Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory

Business and Asset Valuations

Accurate and insightful business valuations that reflect true market value, supporting informed decision-making.

  • Business Valuation: Comprehensive valuation of entire businesses, using methods like Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Comparable Company Analysis (CCA), and precedent transactions.
  • Fairness Opinions: Providing independent opinions on the fairness of a proposed transaction from a financial perspective.
  • Purchase Price Allocation: Allocating the purchase price among the acquired assets and liabilities during an M&A transaction.
  • Impairment Testing: Assessing whether a company’s assets are impaired and require a write-down to their recoverable amount.

Debts & Equity Financing Solutions

Guidance in structuring and securing optimal financing solutions, whether through debt or equity.

  • Debt Financing: Assisting in securing loans, bonds, or other forms of debt, including negotiating terms and conditions with lenders.
  • Equity Financing: Supporting businesses in raising capital through the sale of equity, including private placements, public offerings, and venture capital investments.
  • Capital Structure Optimization: Advising on the optimal mix of debt and equity to minimize the cost of capital and maximize financial flexibility.
  • Funding Strategy Development: Crafting a comprehensive funding strategy that aligns with the company’s long-term goals and market conditions.

Seed and Venture Capital (VC) Funding

Expertise in navigating the early stages of funding, from seed capital to venture capital investments.

  • Fundraising Strategy: Developing a comprehensive fundraising strategy that identifies the right type of investors and the amount of capital needed.
  • Pitch Deck Preparation: Assisting in the creation of compelling pitch decks that effectively communicate the value proposition to potential investors.
  • Investor Outreach: Connecting clients with a network of seed and VC investors, facilitating introductions and fostering relationships.
  • Term Sheet Negotiation: Helping negotiate the terms of investment, including valuation, ownership stakes, and governance rights.

Strategic Corporate Restructuring

Strategic planning and execution of corporate restructuring initiatives to enhance organizational performance.

  • Financial Restructuring: Restructuring the company’s financial obligations, including debt renegotiation, refinancing, and balance sheet optimization.
  • Operational Restructuring: Streamlining operations, reducing costs, and improving efficiency to enhance profitability and competitiveness.
  • Divestitures & Spin-offs: Advising on the sale or spin-off of non-core assets or business units to focus on core activities and improve financial performance.
  • Stakeholder Management: Engaging with stakeholders, including employees, creditors, and investors, to gain support for restructuring initiatives.
  • Turnaround Management: Implementing strategies to reverse poor performance and return the company to profitability.

IPO Listing & Consulting-SME

Specialized advisory services to support SMEs in listing on the stock exchange, ensuring compliance and maximizing investor appeal.

  • IPO Readiness Assessment: Evaluating the company’s readiness for an IPO, including financial performance, governance, and market positioning.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements for listing on the stock exchange, including disclosure and reporting obligations.
  • Prospectus Preparation: Assisting in the creation of a comprehensive and compelling prospectus that effectively communicates the company’s value to potential investors.
  • Investor Relations: Developing an investor relations strategy to build confidence and attract investment.

IPO Listing & Consulting Main Board

Comprehensive support for large corporations preparing for an IPO on the main board, from pre-IPO preparation to post-listing advisory.

  • IPO Strategy Development: Crafting a strategy that aligns the IPO with the company’s long-term goals and market conditions.
  • Pre-IPO Preparation: Preparing the company for the IPO, including financial reporting, governance enhancements, and market positioning.
  • Regulatory Approval: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape to secure the necessary approvals for listing.
  • Pricing & Valuation: Advising on the pricing and valuation of shares to balance investor demand with the company’s capital needs.
  • Listing Process Management: Managing the logistics of the IPO process, including coordination with underwriters, legal advisors, and regulatory bodies.
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